Video Blog VIDEOS HEALTH 8th Rencontres Santé de Nice - "Healthcare systems: let's not forget the human element! HEALTH FNAF 2022 - The attractiveness of careers in the medical-social and healthcare sectors LEADERSHIP HEALTH Jérémie Secher, an out-of-the-box hospital manager LEADERSHIP HEALTH "The attractiveness of professions in the world of healthcare and medico-social services: the need to cultivate a genuine managerial policy". HEALTH "Première ordonnance: an in-depth reform of Avenue de Ségur is needed": 10 experts question social ministers HEALTH Rodolphe Gouin: fundraiser in the hospital sector HEALTH "Healthcare territories: giving power back to the players!" HEALTH Interview with Sophie Beaupère, General Delegate of Unicancer GO TO BLOG HEALTH 8th Rencontres Santé de Nice - "Healthcare systems: let's not forget the human element! HEALTH FNAF 2022 - The attractiveness of careers in the medical-social and healthcare sectors LEADERSHIP HEALTH Jérémie Secher, an out-of-the-box hospital manager LEADERSHIP HEALTH "The attractiveness of professions in the world of healthcare and medico-social services: the need to cultivate a genuine managerial policy".