General Manager Article 1


Catalyzing unlikely encounters

At YourVoice we have a point of view, humility and convictions. We also have an opinion on how to link original profiles with major societal issues. We know how to build unprecedented bridges between business, academia, the third sector and the public sphere. A goldmine for finding the nuggets who will invent your solutions for the future.

Job description


General Manager Article 1 - closed

Article 1's raison d'être is to build a society where guidance, academic success and professional integration are not dependent on social, economic or cultural origins.

In almost 20 years, the association has helped hundreds of thousands of high-school students from working-class backgrounds to enter the world of work, thanks to digital support and on-the-ground initiatives focusing on: guidance for high-school students, mentoring for students, career discovery and integration.

With a budget of over €17 million and a staff of 190, the association has just undergone a major change of scale, and becoming its Managing Director offers an opportunity to structure and consolidate the association's leadership.

Reporting to the two co-presidents, you will propose and implement the association's operational strategy. You will define and monitor performance and impact indicators in order to achieve defined objectives. You organize and manage the team and the business as a whole, and validate and monitor action plans for each department.

You are responsible for the proper use of the association's resources, both human and financial. To this end, you propose, apply and monitor the adopted budget and ensure the quality and traceability of financial information. You define and manage the necessary fund-raising strategies.

In addition, you will set up, supervise and manage the entire team, particularly the management team, with the support of the two Executive Vice-Presidents. In this capacity, you define its agenda and ensure the quality of decision-making and its effective implementation. As Managing Director, you will develop and embody the organization's culture, ensuring the flow of information and team commitment to Article 1's mission and values.

You are responsible for social dialogue with employee representative bodies, and for building a relationship of trust with the Association's public, private, international, national and regional partners. You will act as the Association's contact with its governing bodies, and prepare, lead and monitor General Meetings.

You are recognized for your ability to manage, structure and transform organizations and projects with a strong digital component. In your previous experience, you have demonstrated your imagination, results and pragmatism at key moments in the management of a large-scale strategic project. Ideally, you have worked in the SSE sector.

You know how to unravel complex situations, and interact internally and externally in fast-moving environments. You are user-oriented, aware that to be effective, users need to be as personalized as possible. Your leadership qualities enable you to rally your team around a common project, thanks to your empathy, your ability to work as part of a team and your methodical organization.

Position based in Paris.


General Delegate


Catalyzing unlikely encounters

At YourVoice we have a point of view, humility and convictions. We also have an opinion on how to link original profiles with major societal issues. We know how to build unprecedented bridges between business, academia, the third sector and the public sphere. A goldmine for finding the nuggets who will invent your solutions for the future.

Job description


General Delegate - closed

Expectations in terms of education have never been higher... and it's never been harder to meet them.

Yet there are many initiatives that address the specific needs of tens of thousands of children with learning difficulties.

This is particularly true of this association, which sets up and pilots large-scale innovative educational programs, in particular using digital technology in priority education zones.

Would you like to make a commitment to equal opportunities and to improving educational policies by developing synergies with leading institutions? Then the position of General Delegate of this association is for you.

Working closely with the President and the Board of Directors, you will position your organization as a conduit between the academic world and teachers. You will continue to develop and promote mainly digital educational applications. To this end, you will forge strategic partnerships with public institutions, local authorities, national education authorities and companies. In charge of the association's HR and financial aspects, you are also a driving force in the search for private funding such as sponsorship.

You have successful experience in a general management role and are ideally familiar with education issues and the use of digital technology in teaching.

You are recognized for your ability to convince all types of stakeholders, both within the Ministry and in the field.

Also recognized for your leadership skills, you know how to unite your team around a strategic vision and large-scale projects, and you have experience of remote management.

You share the ethics, values and commitment of the associative sector and projects of general interest.

If you recognize yourself in this profile, don't wait any longer, contact us!

Position based in Paris.


Executive director (F/H)


Catalyzing unlikely encounters

At YourVoice we have a point of view, humility and convictions. We also have an opinion on how to link original profiles with major societal issues. We know how to build unprecedented bridges between business, academia, the third sector and the public sphere. A goldmine for finding the nuggets who will invent your solutions for the future.

Job description


Executive director (F/H) - closed

In a context of structural technological change, the International Initiative on Information and Democracy aims at bringing democratic guarantees to the global communication and information space.

This initiative is a structural response to the global information chaos that is threatening democracy, universal freedoms and the pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It led to the publication of the International Declaration on Information & Democracy by an international Commission composed of Nobel laureates, journalists, activists and scholars and has resulted in two main outcomes :

The endorsement of the International Partnership on Information and Democracy by 43 countries which defines the principles of the global communication and information space and calls structuring platforms to implement them. The Partnership was formally signed during the 74th UN General Assembly in September 2019.

The creation of the Forum on Information and Democracy by 11 organisations from civil society to expand these principles and issue concrete recommendations for regulation and self-regulation.

The Forum on Information and Democracy is the implementing non-profit organization of the International Partnership for Information and Democracy. It is independent, represents different fields of expertise and continents and gathers various categories of stakeholders from governements, civil society, private sector and the media. It defines and facilitates international multi-disciplinary working groups composed of experts and scholars (Angel Gurria, Maria Ressa, Marietje Schaake, Shoshana Zuboff, etc.).

The Forum's final objective is to issue recommendations and follow up on their implementation by different stakeholders (States, platforms, civil society, etc.).

As part of its development, the Forum is seeking for its future Executive Director:

> Leads the Forum's permanent team, ensures its development and retention of members
> Represents the Forum at international events and in the media
> Develops and manages the implementation of the Forum's communication strategy
> Is in charge of the Forum's financing (soliciting donors and managing contacts)
> Ensures the administrative and financial management of the organization

> Oversees all activities of the organization
> Promotes the Initiative as a whole to the Partnership's signatory states and to new states
> Coordinates the organization of the Summits for Information and Democracy
> Ensures and organizes the Forum's participation in international events and debates
> Leads the communication activities
> Ensures coordination with RSF teams on common issues

> 10 years of professional experience including internationally
> Mastery of areas related to the mandate of the Forum on Information and Democracy (technology, platform governance, media, legal, ...)
> Managerial skills
> Capacity for fundraising for civil society organizations
> Capacity for public relations, press relations, and communication
> Ability to organize high-level international events
> Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and, if possible, French




Catalyzing unlikely encounters

At YourVoice we have a point of view, humility and convictions. We also have an opinion on how to link original profiles with major societal issues. We know how to build unprecedented bridges between business, academia, the third sector and the public sphere. A goldmine for finding the nuggets who will invent your solutions for the future.

Job description


Associate - closed

We are looking for a future Associate for a not-for-profit strategy consultancy that supports projects of general interest.

Working alongside the firm's partners, you will contribute to the writing of a new chapter and new objectives, in line with the firm's ongoing drive to provide access to excellent strategy support for public-interest organizations. You will play an active role in the firm's development, reflecting on its positioning, enhancing its visibility and promoting its current and future service offering. You also contribute to the consultants' path to excellence, both in terms of personal and professional development. Raising awareness, enlightening, engaging, growing, capitalizing and passing on are the key words of your HR vocation within the firm. You are actively involved in developing the firm's intangible capital, thinking, innovation, impact and methodology. Last but not least, you will support your customers by guaranteeing a high level of advice, keeping your sights on optimizing their societal impact, and ultimately ensuring that the firm's promise is fulfilled.

You have worked extensively in a strategy consulting firm, and have made a successful transition into the SSE and, more generally, the public interest. You ideally have experience of the public sector, and an understanding of the institutional world. You see frugality as an opportunity for innovation and have a good grasp of strategic maieutics. You're keen to invent and don't want to be stuck in a repetitive logic. You are pragmatic, a "maker" and have a results-oriented culture. You have a genuine culture of impact, and are recognized for your strong commitment to the general interest, SSE and social innovation. You are self-confident, humble and adept at collaborative management. Finally, you have excellent interpersonal and commercial skills, as well as transparency, loyalty and the ability to listen.

Position based in Paris.


Deputy General Manager


Catalyzing unlikely encounters

At YourVoice we have a point of view, humility and convictions. We also have an opinion on how to link original profiles with major societal issues. We know how to build unprecedented bridges between business, academia, the third sector and the public sphere. A goldmine for finding the nuggets who will invent your solutions for the future.

Job description


Deputy General Manager - closed

GROUPE SOS Solidarités works to combat all forms of exclusion and is committed to helping its various target groups achieve maximum autonomy, in line with the founding principle of "a society for all, a place for everyone". The GROUPE has defined the following priority themes: gender equality, support for people affected by violence, mental health, access to employment and housing, culture and sport, applying the action principles of empowerment and autonomy, peer support, participation and the right to support. The Fight against Social Inequalities (L.I.S.) is made up of around a hundred establishments and services such as Appartements de Coordination Thérapeutique, Lits Halte Soins Santé, Lits d'Accueil Médicalisés, Centres de Soins d'Accompagnement et de Prévention en Addictologie, Centres d'Accueil et d'Accompagnement à la Réduction des risques pour Usagers de Drogues, Center d'Hébergement et de Réinsertion Sociale, Centres d'Hébergement d'Urgence et d'insertion, Intermédiation Locative IML, Centre d'Accueil de Demandeurs d'Asile, Centres Provisoires d'Hébergement, dispositifs d'accès à l'emploi, établissements de Prévention et de promotion de la santé, Accueil de jour, accompagnement RSA...

In a context of internal mobility, we are looking for its future: DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER (M/F)

You are an active contributor to strategic thinking and project management within the Management Committee. You are a driving force behind proposals to structure the organization and processes of the division and, more broadly, those of the Groupe SOS Solidarités association. You are responsible for the smooth operation and implementation of the strategy at the level of the division and its establishments (around a hundred). You lead and manage your team of regional and territorial directors. As a true operational manager, you contribute to the overall management of the division, coordinate activities and projects, and oversee the proper management of the establishments. You will finalize the CPOMs for certain regions - with a focus on out-of-home transformation, cost reduction, evolution of the social project and material and human organization - and contribute to the development of the division, notably through partnership relations, employment projects and skills platforms. With significant experience as a senior manager of a large-scale public-interest organization in the SSE sector, you are recognized for your pragmatic vision of the challenges and solutions involved in supporting people in situations of fragility. You have experience in the field, having managed an establishment before taking on broader responsibilities in social action, ideally with experience in either the accommodation or employment sectors. You are recognized for your ability to federate, make decisions and lead a team of directors, and to organize teams at national level. You know how to network your teams in a spirit of collective intelligence. You are a social entrepreneur, capable of driving development and innovation.

Open-minded and cooperative, you have experience of collaborative work.


General Manager


Catalyzing unlikely encounters

At YourVoice we have a point of view, humility and convictions. We also have an opinion on how to link original profiles with major societal issues. We know how to build unprecedented bridges between business, academia, the third sector and the public sphere. A goldmine for finding the nuggets who will invent your solutions for the future.

Job description


General Manager - closed

The company is a fast-growing start-up in the landscaping sector, with a nationwide presence. Its ambition is to become a major player in its own right, helping to shape new activities and new professions. To drive this growth, we are looking for a: General Manager (m/f)

Your vision of the market feeds into the skills aggregation strategy and the development of the offering. You will drive growth, innovation and development, and work with your close-knit team to get all employees on board. Together, you will integrate and nurture acquisitions, and set up processes to consolidate scale-up and cross-functional projects. The stakes are economic, organizational, managerial and social.

You are a recognized team manager who knows how to federate with ambitious objectives and efficient, creative execution. Ideally trained as an engineer, your experience will have given you a vision of landscaping and the maintenance of natural areas. Your entrepreneurial spirit enables you to imagine and build innovative business models. You have great empathy, excellent listening skills and a sense of consensus. You are determined and results-oriented.