
Interview with AP-HP HR Director Sylvain Ducroz



Interview with Sylvain DucrozHR ofAP-HP

In what condition are PA professionals-HP are after two and a half months of the pandemic?

Doctors, non-doctors, logistics agents, administration... Tveryone is on pins and needles, aith the prospect of rest not quite around the corner. We're in an in-between period. The month of May should be a time of respite due to the reduction dCOVID beds. However, one concern remains about what will happen after May 11. Added to this a strong pressure on the return to normal activity, to take care of non Covid who hadint disappeared.

What lessons have you learned on the way AP-HP has organized itselfe ?

From the first week of March, everything went very fast. Although the the reality of the curves ait exceeded projectionswe were not not been overwhelmed thanks ae phenomenal mobilization. We managed succeeded in twofold our resuscitation capacity! Tvery day, of resuscitation beds were set up, solutions were foundsolutions were createdplatforms, dozens of volunteers were mobilized. All AP-HP staff and doctors were on the move, modifying their organization, their workstations, their type of assignment...

"No one had ever experienced a mobilization on this scale, over such a long period of time." 

A reminderr that we entered the crisis by being fragilewith aa complicated social environmentquated, major understaffing. Each player faced this wave of hospitalization unprecedented wave of hospitalization extremely heavy psychological psychological burden, for example, when we had to families had to be moveds or when patients' condition deteriorated withouttt understand what was happening. The institution able even thoughpart of the staff had to face up to the disease and the risk of contamination..

We have set up psychological units and a range of daily-life aids for our professionals.professionals, who have undoubtedly the most difficult times.

How to the management AP-HP's human resources departmentt- support management the epidemic over the long term?

The first challenge is to supporting the return to normal for professionals and patients alike. This is not easy, as the epidemic has not been the same throughout the AP-HP.. Come districts or departments were more affected than others, so some teams were more mobilized than others. The second issueis for which we don't yet have all the answers, is to enable nursing staff to rest, while we still have overcapacity in terms of COVID patient hospitalization.

"The third issue is the very high expectation of hospitals hospital in the next world or the next hospital.

The crisis has come and gone. Promises have been made. Pnyone wants to find themselves in the same situation as those five last five yearsa situationa budgetary tension maximum and of recruitment difficultiess à the under-remuneration of professions paramedicathe. Demand is strong. We won't be able to wait very long; and what announced announced in terms of willwill be enough.

How to make l'agility and the mobilize that you you described continuesnt?

Agility was incredible. Mutit must be said that AP-HP is certainly big machine which can rapidly mobilize significant resources. Por two monthson the one hand, no one has counted anything: budget costscostslevelx of remuneration of reinforcements...

"On the other hand, everyone was focused on a single objective, a single subject. Everyone, at his or her own level and in his or her own business, was just doing COVID."  

JI hope some things will remain in terms of the system, the way we work and our state of mind, in particular this wonderful rapprochement in difficult times between doctors, directors and the entire staff.

Emerging from the crisis and post-crisisonhat skills AP-HP plan toto draw on?

We recruited 7,000 people in one month, representing more than 10% of the AP-HP workforce, not including volunteers. Lhe assessment we carry out with the staff hired is very positive. This is both reassuring for us and and provides us with aa breeding ground for care professions and the various platforms platforms (telephone, medical, organizational). Some overqualified profiles for these missions have provided a great deal. We're going to try to keep some of them.

"The crisis has had the advantage of attracting and bringing to us new skills that we hadn't imagined, and which have been a force for proposals and solutions."  

Ehen it comes to hierarchy and medical organization, a certain certain inversion of valuess occurred during the crisis. Until now, surgeons surgeons and anaesthetists were at the very top of the scale in terms of both responsibilities and visibility.

"Key people who were recognized but not at the forefront have sort of taken over. These are the specialists in hospital hygiene, public health and epidemiology."  

The health crisis a highlighted the importance of the prevention, of investigations epidemiologicals, drules for the spread of a virus, andhospital hygiene. These questions have been at at the heart of our crisis meetings. I think this tropism will perlast insofar as the the epidemic is not over, where new questions have emerged, and where we to be readys for the next wave or the next epidemic, so that we never find ourselves again in the situation we found ourselves in end March.


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