
Interview with Thibault Ronsin, HR Director, SOS Group



Interview with Thibault Ronsin, DRH of Groupe SOS

What's the state of HR at Groupe SOS ?

The SOS Group is Europe's leading social enterprise.It manages a large number of not-for-profit hospitals, EHPAD, social structures... Our teams were directly involved in the fight against the spread of Covid-19. 80% of our employees were in 1ère line or 2ndth to ensure health, social or medico-social care as well as protection, reception and support of patients, of beneficiaries and their families. One of the challengesof the HR department was therefore ensureevery day, l'balance teams, taking into account difficulties related childcare, health problems and à labsenteeism sometimes absenteeism in in certaines sectors health and medicosocial sector.

Some of the Group's professions are in perpetual tension: nursing assistants, nurses, social workers... At the height of the epidemic, in hospitals, we benefited from unique reinforcements from independent professionals and private clinics. On the other handowever, in our other establishments, notably EHPAD, we received few unsolicited applications. unsolicited applications and the agencies agencies were quickly overwhelmed., at a time when we urgently needed trained personnel to fill in and absorb the surplus activity linked to the epidemic. Fortunately, we were able to count on thecommitment internal mobility of our staff, and on the ability of our teams to coordinate.

"We're proud of our employees, who kept our structures standing in conditions that are not always easy.

But the difficulties are far from over. After ladrenalin, comes comes a period of cumulative fatigue andsometimes, tension with lcolleagues who have been less over the period. This calls for great vigilance on our part with regard to of psycho-social risks (RPS) and long-term support.

What are the objectives of your recent ccampaign communication RH?

Ne have seized l'opportunity to launch a poster campaign in the Paris metro to anticipate thes month July aoAugust and the and the teams' need for a break, as well as the resumptiontclassic business, starting with the surgery in hospitals. We wanted to highlight our nursing staff, logistics staff, cleaning staff and the social workers, who ensured the presence a large number of the 550 SOS Group facilities and servicesfacilities and services, as well as ensuring the protection of the people cared for in our facilities.

"By communicating on our employer brand, we wish to highlight the diversity of the Group's businesses, which has made this collective response possible.

What lessons have you learned from this period in terms of management?

The principal education, is the solidarity. Rapidly, we managed to maintain balances withinteams thanks mobility that we would never imaginede. Dhe nurses at our crèches franciliennes shave went to lend a hand in our hospitals or EHPADs in the Grand Est, employees are to lend a hand in at establishments 100 km from from homemany have replaced their colleagues at short notice...

"The employees weren't there just for their job,
their establishment or their team. They were a group."

This resulted in by great agility structures and an incredible adaptation of employees.For example, ourur event caterer catererwhich is involved in social integration, a for example providedé the supply of gel alcohol-based gel our hospitals and of EHPAD!

Despite the diversity of our activities and businesses, manager of employees committed remains common ground. Through the common path of all Group managers and of the Executive Board, we regularly regularly to highlight the collective, the fact that no one is useful alone.

The epidemic highlighted the importance ofcarethe core core business of Groupe SOS. How will the Group approach the coming months? ?

Be attentive to care and against all forms of exclusion are part our DNA. For example, we we published an advocacy document on digital exclusion last year. The two months of confinement proved that we were right to talk about it. Ie need to go further from now on, no longer have a dozen employees working on the but hundreds.

"This crisis a reinforcedé our will. It showed that wee are in the right and that we need to accelerate our impact on society." 

We also intend to play our part in terms of visibility of our businesses. 80% of our activities are in the socialmedico-social and healthcare, with the majority mostly held by women. Chese are underpaidremuneratedt but ô how much necessary. A challenge for the coming months and years is not to let fall visibility and toestablish a between their remuneration levels, their commitment and the added value of these professions dgeneral interest, in order to make them attractive to better social and societal challenges.

Which are the levers to attract the new generation of employees?

Meaning at work is a strong feature of the SOS Group. Dn as part our latest barometer social, 97 of Group employees have declaredé that is important to them to work for a company with open social values. L'innovation is also a highlightnamely our ability to design a social and societal project that is economically viable and in line with the needs of the French people. Social innovation is at the heart of the SOS Group's DNA, and consists in developing responses to the societal needs of our time.our times. CThis is the case the programme "1000 cafés"for examplefor example revitalizing rural communities by opening or taking over 1,000 cafés in 1,000 communities with fewer than 3,500 inhabitants inhabitants.e.s.

"However, the simple answer 'my work has meaning' is not enough.I'm convinced of the usefulness of measuring commitment and using it as a management lever." 

We will be incorporating this dimension into our next social barometer. The aim is to d'individualizing commitment andequip our managers so that they are able to to pick up on weak signals in their teams. The employees viennent in the Groupe SOS becausethey sharent svalues. They stay because their local manager their the necessary room for maneuver and gives meaning to their work on a daily basis.


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