
Interview with Coco Brac de la Perrière, executive coach



Interview with Coco Brac de la PerrièreExecutive Coach

For the past two months, we have been in a phase of resistance.

Between survival and rebirth, what is the state of HR?

Lritical crises are gas pedals of change already already underway. Donc, je think we're in for survival AND rebirth. At the very beginning of the epidemic, we were afraid for ourselves, for our loved ones, for our That was the alarm phase. For the past two months, we've been in a phase of resistance.

"We have to be clear: the third phase will either be one of exhaustion, or one of resilience. That's why I encourage organizational resilience within the company."  

Resilience is no longer a luxury. After this trauma, which everyone has experienced differently, sif only individual resilience, we're heading towards an increase inburnouts in three months' time. On the other hand, if companies organize resilience, they will be able to regenerate their their ability to withstand the shock their to bounce back.

In the past, there was little little was said personal personalpersonal problemsmuch less emotions. Since confinementit is essential to reflect collectivelyment on the difficulties encountered prather than trying toy to make up for lost time. Jadvise companies to dare an action fast, in other words a time to adapt and listening so that managers and HR to support employees, and that employees feel supported by management.

"Wellness is the sine qua non d'a rebirth in l'company. Quality of life at work and what I call QVTT, quality of life in teleworking, are going to be priorities."

Whatlle approche conseillz-vous companies adopt in the coming months ?

I like the theory of small steps. The priority is to put people at the center, with a clear pact around "listening. The people from the confines in a physical and mental exhaustion. Powever know in state of mind return leployees. Faced with uncertainty, we must learn to listen rather than predictwhich means listen to to the fragility of others their their fears, but but also connect and facilitate.

This requires availability and letting go of projects projects andobjectives objectives. And letting go doesn't mean letting go. Indeed, this ethics of listening, empathy empathy and caring, is about valuing positive experiencess andinitiatives, on the workings put in place during confinement and on the willingness of everyone tomorrow. Ultimately, chis pause for action will be fruitfulfor the company.

"Time stopped during confinement, let's not re-accelerate to catch up, but continue to appreciate it so that it can be truly transformative and initiate a rebirth." 

How can accompanyr this cultural change within the company?

This requires cultivate another disposition: l'inner ecology. Since since Marchour brain is under continuous stress. As a resultexecution and learning functions are less accessible for the time being. What's more, the safety and distancing rules leave little room for creativity and intuition.

"This is where mindfulness helps to reduce stress, manage our emotions and increase our capacity for attention and informed decision-making. This practice fosters innovation, confidence and listening skills. In short, it's the Swiss army knife of soft skills." 

Mindfulness is a highly profitable strategy for stress and the mental lock in which confinement has locked us.. For the past two months, I have been offering theMBSR program - Mindfulness based on stress reduction -on Zoom and in immersion. Lestimonials show that stress decreases and confidence rises.

What does your work with companies involve??

The companies are a key driver of this which calls for both collective and individual transformation.. Their mission must evolve to go beyond alone economic framework. Fragile fragile teams and managers and worried, the boundary between work and personal life is blurrede, expectations of new ways ways of working, and a strong need to listen and reconnection with others... All thisela made me made me want to offer companies a space unifying andrebuilding space, in which I am outside element who comes in for one or two days a week. " to work on the inside , with individual listening time in the morning and group reconnection workshops in the afternoon. This approach opens a door to a promise of sustainablesustainable and virtuousable to reduce this mental lock.

"Despite budget cuts, companies shouldn't cut corners on external listening, mindfulness coaching and soft skills training." 

Indeed, allout what we experienced during the crisis will genwill generate agility and freedom. It's the end of "command and control. Lhe leader must change from posture, go to management much management and become a facilitator for your teams. Chet requires training in soft skills for develop l'empathy, the cooperation and l'listening. The mindful coaching which I propose is a way of between wisdom and business. It's the ultimate weapon for achieving resilience and give yourself every chance of rebirth..

To find out more :

Coco Brac de la Perrière is an author, speaker, MBSR (Mindfulness On Stress Reduction) instructor and corporate coach.
She is also founder of the Digital Detox Institute.

Déconnecte, si tu oses, Coco Brac de la Perrière (Éditions Dunod)

Lâcher prise sans laisser tomber, Coco Brac de la Perrière (Éditions Fayard)


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