

Looking for leaders
Not just any leaders...
For projects with a positive impact on the city

Since 2009, YourVoice has put people at the heart of innovation. The firm advises top organizations on the composition of their management and expert teams.

Let's do

What we can do for you

Do you have impossible assignments, unanswered questions, the right answers but not the right questions? We'll find the visionary leaders and experts to meet your challenges...

Men and women driven by innovation are unique Impossible to pigeonhole them
Let's break out of the box and blaze new trails!

Our vocation is to invent a new way of bringing together your challenges
your challenges and the worldview of these extraordinary professionals.

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"What they say about us

"As a candidate, YourVoice's greatest strength is follow-up. It's far too rare for the recruiter to check up on you, and make sure that the position you're in really matches your expectations. The personalized follow-up during the recruitment phase, on the day of integration and one month later is incredible. The match between a candidate's profile and the profile required by a company is the essential point on which YourVoice focuses to ensure that the contract is a lasting one. Finally, on a more personal note, I'd like to thank Luc Meuret for his confidence, enthusiasm and attentiveness."

Laurent ASTAIX

Marketing Director

Knauf Insulation

"Luc Meuret and his teams: great professionalism, a real quality of listening and above all that plus, open-mindedness."


Executive Vice-President


"An extraordinary firm in the truest sense of the word. A sense of accompaniment that is out of the ordinary, and off the beaten track."


Former General Secretary

Institut Curie

"The memory I have of my Yourvoice experience is very positive!
The exchanges were of high quality, the documents requested were complete and the attention paid by 'team left me with a feeling of great professionalism."

Olivier LE CLECH

Managing Director of SIREDOM

Former Regional Director at Citéo

"I really appreciated the relationship I established with Luc Meuret, who accompanied me through the process of maturing my decision to join Coup de Pouce. Present without being insistent, he established a relationship of trust with me that helped me to take the plunge, capitalizing on my experience as an education entrepreneur keen, at this stage of my career, to make my contribution to a cause with high social stakes."



Coup de Pouce Association

"I really appreciated YourVoice's approach as I was about to make an important decision for the future of my career. The recruitment process enabled me to really introspect on my deepest motivations and the genesis of my professional commitment, thus confirming my choice to join the philanthropic world, after more than ten years spent in the service of public administration and an international organization. I can only thank YourVoice for their support and guidance, and for confirming that I have no regrets about my choice!"


International Program Manager

CHANEL Foundation

"The recruitment process offered by Yourvoice is particularly comprehensive, combining psychometric testing with an analysis of the candidate's professional experience and skills. Their professionalism means they don't limit themselves to a search for standard profiles. In my case, for example, even though my profile was atypical for the position, they saw my potential and included me in the short-list of candidates proposed to the recruiter, who is now my employer!"


Development Director

Association Vivre et Devenir

"I'd like to thank YourVoice for making an effective link between a customer need and my career path, and for maintaining a close, ongoing relationship during a long recruitment process."

Thierry PERNET

Sillon Sanitary Manager

French Red Cross

"The relationship of trust I have established with YourVoice, and particularly its founder Luc Meuret, has enabled me to position myself in an exciting and strategic position for my career. I'm delighted to have been able to join the Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière as Director of Philanthropy."


Corporate Sponsorship Director

Brain and Spinal Cord Institute

"YourVoice takes a non-standard approach to recruitment. Their method is adapted to the job level and organizational culture of their clients. Luc Meuret speaks as an equal, and there's a sense of respect for each person's career path. I felt at ease and heard during the interview. He knows how to create an alchemy that instills confidence."

Frédéric LEYRET


Saint Vincent de Strasbourg Hospital Group

"Meeting YourVoice was decisive in highlighting my transferable, cross-functional skills. It gave my career a new direction and momentum, and without YourVoice, I'm not sure I would have been spotted. It was a memorable and unique encounter that demonstrated my talents to my future employer better than I could myself! What's more, a relationship of trust that has lasted the test of time.

Véronique MARY

Languedoc Roussillon Basin Manager


"I've been working with YourVoice for several years. This firm knows how to listen to our requests, which are often quite demanding..."


General Manager


"For me, YourVoice is above all a beautiful story, both as a "candidate" and in the position of "hunter of the 5-legged sheep". At every stage, the feeling of being listened to and followed with humility and professionalism; a presence at every step, with enlightened advice, without false promises. As a "recruit", I was particularly touched by the kindness and clarity of the feedback, enabling a serene career path, whatever the outcome. On the customer side, I found the same concern for precision, completeness and high standards, guaranteeing high-quality support throughout the process. A real experience and human adventure, in the microcosm and unique world of public interest!

Marie-Charlotte BRUN

Director of Resource Development and Communication


"YourVoice consultants supported us in an ambitious recruitment plan for our trade association. The aim was to radically renew our communications teams by integrating profiles combining business expertise, real agility and the ability to integrate institutional issues into operational communications. The challenge has paid off: Ateliers d'Art de France now has a new dynamic, and the newly recruited teams are playing a major part in it.

Fabrice VAN KOTE

General Secretary at ANRH

Former Communications Director, Ateliers d'Art de France

"My first foray into sponsorship was with Luc and Jon. Luc was closely involved in the development of Vaux-le-Vicomte's sponsorship department. Ten years later, private fund-raising is going well, a little more every year, and above all, a beautiful story of friendship is born."

Alexandre DE VOGÜE

Corporate Sponsorship Director

Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte

"It's a collaboration that goes beyond the simple recruitment stage. More than two years ago, thanks to YourVoice, I joined the Entreprendre pour Apprendre federation, and the firm is still in frequent contact to check on me, exchange ideas, and ensure that the assignment goes as smoothly as possible, for both the candidate and the host organization."



Entreprendre Pour Apprendre

"In my case, YourVoice was able to identify the company's real need by proposing a profile that was not the one they were looking for. For my part, I found a position that enabled me to put all the skills I'd acquired in my first company to good use, in the service of a cause in line with my personal values. Last but not least, Luc Meuret, my contact, continued to support me by checking in regularly, a follow-up I didn't necessarily expect from a recruitment agency, but which I really appreciated."

Julien REMY

National Green Solutions Business Manager

Knauf Insulation France

"This was my first experience with a recruitment agency and I have very positive memories of it, thanks to the quality and expertise of the recruiter, his human approach and his confidence-building. No useless tests, but an in-depth analysis of my background and skills, enabling me to make the most of my assets for the position on offer."

Géneviève MOREAUX

Director, Seniors

Vincent Paul Foundation